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Grade 5 Category

Summer SAVY 2017, Session 1/Day 2- Introduction to Law (Rising 6th/7th)

Jun. 13, 2017—Today, students worked in groups to present U.S. Supreme Court cases (that they had chosen as a group) in creative ways. Some performed skits, while others utilized art work. They all did very well and showed a thorough and nuanced understanding of their cases. After they finished their group projects we did a mini unit...

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Summer SAVY 2017, Session 1/Day 1- Introduction to Law (Rising 6th/7th)

Jun. 12, 2017—Today, in Introduction to Law, students were first taught about how our court systems work, the different levels, (i.e. trial courts, intermediate/appellate courts, and highest/supreme courts) and how cases work their way through those levels. They learned that cases start in the trial courts which are courts of general jurisdiction, and that cases go to...

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Spring SAVY 2017, Day 5- Designing Shakespeare

Feb. 28, 2017—Team, Our course draws to a close… We’ll meet for one last session, and then – like an insubstantial pageant faded – we’ll go “Poof!” At the end of our last class I compiled the artwork, renderings, and design plots that you have created over the past five weeks. You’ve amassed an impressive amount of...

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Spring SAVY 2017, Day 5- Chromatography 101

Feb. 28, 2017—We began this week by reviewing our high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) lab results from last week. The students explained that they were able to identify which water contaminant was which by comparing retention times (the amount of time a compound in the mixture stayed on the column) with that of a standard compound. Then they...

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Spring SAVY 2017, Day 5- Intro to Journalism

Feb. 28, 2017—This week, SAVY journalists dug deeper into ethical issues by examining the consequences of ethical lapses and different forms of “fake” news. The term “fake news” has become a part of our national conversation lately, and has taken on different definitions depending on who uses it.   For the purposes of our class, we used the...

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Spring SAVY 2017, Day 4- Designing Shakespeare

Feb. 20, 2017—Team Designing Shakespeare: How wonderful to be back with you for the full class session! I missed our lively discussions, and the enthusiasm with which you encounter each new revelation in Shakespeare’s THE TEMPEST. We covered a lot today, and I continue to be impressed with your inventiveness and your discoveries.  Your designs are becoming...

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Spring SAVY 2017, Day 4- Chromatography 101

Feb. 20, 2017—At the conclusion of last week’s class, I had asked the students to describe some of the challenges of performing column chromatography. Answers included that it took a long time to elute the desired compounds from the column and that holding the tubes for collecting the samples was rather tiresome. The students also mentioned that...

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Spring SAVY 2017, Day 4- Intro to Journalism

Feb. 20, 2017—SAVY Journalism students changed gears this week, from the objective stance of newswriting to the more subjective world of opinion writing. But, even in editorials (opinion pieces written by the newspaper editorial staff) and op-eds (opinion pieces written by outside writers), journalists need to use measured, detailed analysis and support their arguments with facts. You...

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Spring SAVY 2017, Day 3- Designing Shakespeare

Feb. 14, 2017—I’m sorry that I couldn’t be with you for long on Saturday, but I’m so glad that you were able to meet and work with my friend, Nettie Kraft. I circled back with Nettie later in the day, and she told me that she found your ideas impressive, your creativity formidable, and your interpretations of...

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Spring SAVY 2017, Day 3- Chromatography 101

Feb. 14, 2017—This week in Chromatography 101, I asked the students to consider how they would alter the chromatographic techniques we have learned thus far (specifically thin layer chromatography) if they were interested in collecting the isolated components of a mixture instead of just visualizing them. Answers included performing thin layer chromatography and then removing a desired...

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