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Summer SAVY 2018: Session 1, Day 3 – Dive into Design (Rising 1st)

Jun. 13, 2018—Hello Parents, We opened our morning by adding to our classroom concept map on measurement. Students made great connections to our new learning by adding strands to categories of measurement such as how things are measured, dimensions, and accuracy in measurement. Next, students did an activity where they sorted objects into categories that they created...

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Summer SAVY 2018: Session 1, Day 2 – Biology and the Body (Rising 5th and 6th)

Jun. 12, 2018—Today in Biology of the body we had the opportunity to learn and explore how the immune system gives us protection. We learned about the different components of the immune system, how they work together and in some cases how disease affects these organs. Then we briefly reviewed the respiratory system, which we learned about...

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Summer SAVY 2018: Session 1, Day 2 – Bioarchaeology (Rising 5th and 6th)

Jun. 12, 2018—Today, we got aHEAD of the game by taking a look at the human skull. Students had a chance to explore the skull models and hypothesize what different features might before, and then we dove into lecture, led us into learning about the bones in the skull and how they develop as you age. When you...

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Summer SAVY 2018: Session 1, Day 2 – Mighty Metamorphosis (Rising 3rd and 4th)

Jun. 12, 2018—So, for our warmup today, I asked, how do you change a cat into a cow? One of our students said find a white cat, get some black paint, and just add spots! The answer I was going for was not nearly as creative but was connected to our topic for the day: one letter...

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Summer SAVY 2018: Session 1, Day 2 – Dabbling with DNA, Miss P (Rising 3rd and 4th)

Jun. 12, 2018—Hello Dabbling with DNA parents! Today we were geneticists and discussed topics related to classical genetics. We learned a TON of new vocabulary, all related to inheritance. Can your young scientist tell you the difference between a dominant and recessive allele? Can they describe how genotype and phenotype are related? Our experiment today consisted of...

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Summer SAVY 2018: Session 1, Day 2 – Dabbling with DNA, Dr. O (Rising 3rd and 4th)

Jun. 12, 2018—Hello parents and students! We had a great second day here at SAVY! We started where we left off, talking about the micro world, cells, and organelles. Students got to use petri plates full of agar (bacteria food) and swabbed everything in our classroom. Hopefully these little guys “bacteria” will grow by tomorrow and we can...

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Summer SAVY 2018: Session 1, Day 2 – Electrifying Engineering (Rising 2nd)

Jun. 12, 2018—Happy Tuesday from Electrifying Engineering!  Starting the ASK phase of the engineering design process, students figured out they needed to understand electrons, circuits, and electricity to begin their project. We started with the atom identifying the positive protons, neutral neutrons and negative electrons. Ask your student to demonstrate how they remember the charge of each...

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Summer SAVY 2018: Session 1, Day 2 – Secrets of the Moli Stone (Rising 2nd)

Jun. 12, 2018—Happy Second Day! The students expressed great enjoyment playing the Card Game Capers; therefore, they began the day by playing a few rounds of the game with a group of their fellow mathematicians. They created another level of fun and challenge by giving one point to the mathematicians who were able to generate the largest...

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Summer SAVY 2018: Session 1, Day 2 – Dive into Design (Rising 1st)

Jun. 12, 2018—Hello Parents. Today, we opened our morning by creating a Frayer’s chart to define what a model is, including, a class definition, what a model is, examples and non-examples. To do this, each student was given a picture of something and they had to decide if what they had was an example of a model...

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Spring SAVY 2018, Day 5- Biophotonics (5th/6th)

Feb. 26, 2018—This week, we tackled optical therapeutics. With absorption as our primary tool, we set out to understand how lasers can be used for ablation and how we can control laser parameters to get precise cutting. To help visualize how absorption drives laser ablation and tissue heating, we tried to pop some pigmented balloons with our...

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