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Summer SAVY 2018: Session 1, Day 4 – Electrifying Engineering (Rising 2nd)

Jun. 14, 2018—Wow, what a constructive morning!  Students were twisting wires, problem solving energy sources, and redesigning as their ideas came to life.  Circuits with LEDs, spinning motors, switches, and push buttons are all working.  Students are so excited to share with you their working circuits and toy ideas. Watch out tomorrow as paint, felt, and cardboard...

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Summer SAVY 2018: Session 1, Day 4 – Secrets of the Moli Stone (Rising 2nd)

Jun. 14, 2018—Happy Fourth Day! The students had a very busy day today. They explored the base-three system used in the Land of the Treble by comparing it to the base-ten system used in our culture. They were introduced to trading gickles, bickles, rickles, and trickles during their visit in the Land of Treble. The students were...

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Summer SAVY 2018: Session 1, Day 4 – Dive into Design (Rising 1st)

Jun. 14, 2018—Hello parents. Today we used yesterday’s investigation of measuring footsteps using non-standard measurement as a launching point to compare and contrast this form of measurement with standard units of measure. We accomplished this by conducting an evaluation of tools of measure to compare non-standard and standard measurements of three different pool model sizes that were...

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Summer SAVY 2018: Session 1, Day 3 – Biology and the Body (Rising 5th and 6th)

Jun. 13, 2018—In today’s class of Biology and the body we finished learning about the innate versus the adaptive inmmune system. We also learned about immunodeficiency and autoimmune disorders and how they affect the individual and the immune system.   Then we explored the world of microbiology. We learned the four main types of microorganisms which are...

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Summer SAVY 2018: Session 1, Day 3 – Bioarchaeology (Rising 5th and 6th)

Jun. 13, 2018—Did you know that being stressed can affect your bones? How about the ways in which our culture or environment can shape our skeletal development? These were our main topics today as we looked at bone development and the factors that influence them. We started out by discussing the biocultural model. Comprised of three elements...

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Summer SAVY 2018: Session 1, Day 3 – Mighty Metamorphosis (Rising 3rd and 4th)

Jun. 13, 2018—For today’s opener, the students had to choose where they’d rather attend school: a traditional red brick building or a red brick building with a massive cartoon crocodile mural on the front. Answers varied, but many noted that the crocodile building did seem more exciting or interesting. We used this discussion to kick off further...

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Summer SAVY 2018: Session 1, Day 3 – Dabbling with DNA, Miss P (Rising 3rd and 4th)

Jun. 13, 2018—We are officially half way through the Dabbling with DNA class! Today, we were ecologists and studied how different animals have adaptations that make them better for particular environments. We discussed what makes a fish a better swimmer than a bird and why penguins are better at staying warm than snakes. Our first experiment of...

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Summer SAVY 2018: Session 1, Day 3 – Dabbling with DNA, Dr. O (Rising 3rd and 4th)

Jun. 13, 2018—Hey Parents and Students! We had a great Day 3! Depending on your perspective… we are halfway done! or, we still have halfway to go! This morning we finished up our GMO talk and students got to create their own hybrid organism (they had some pretty great ideas!…see photos below) We also started our corn GMO experiment...

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Summer SAVY 2018: Session 1, Day 3 – Electrifying Engineering (Rising 2nd)

Jun. 13, 2018—Can you believe it is the middle of our electrifying week?  Students have been busy learning all they can about circuitry and it showed today.  Continuing to explore different types of circuits, students figured out the limitations of a series circuit and how they might use a parallel circuit when using multiple output devices for...

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Summer SAVY 2018: Session 1, Day 3 – Secrets of the Moli Stone (Rising 2nd)

Jun. 13, 2018—As mathematicians, the students spent significant part of their day learning how to regroup. This was a somewhat challenging task for the students since this was the first time many of them have been exposed to this new mathematical concept. They were excited to learn that they will see this concept again in their regular...

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