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Summer SAVY, Session 5 Day 3, Programming and Robotics (3rd-4th)

Jul. 17, 2024—This morning, we finished work on our package sorting machine. We learned there are many ways to accomplish the same tasks through programming and worked to identify bugs, decompose our code, and debug our programs. Today we divided into new working pairs. The purpose of this exercise was to provide an opportunity to apply teamwork...

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Summer SAVY, Session 5 Day 3, Chemical Spill (Pilote) (3rd-4th)

Jul. 17, 2024—Hello SAVY Families, Chemical Spill had a great start to the day with continuing our experiments. We looked at our experiment results from yesterday and made some modifications to our conclusion of why vinegar cleans a penny better than water. Most of the responses were written about the results of the experiment, but the conclusion...

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Summer SAVY, Session 5 Day 3, Chemical Spill (Lowe) (3rd-4th)

Jul. 17, 2024—Today was the day of pH!  We started the day learning that “Seven is Heaven.”  The class quickly caught on that 7 is neutral, less than 7 is an acid, and greater than 7 is a base. Thank you for sending your children in with water samples this morning!  Because of this, we started the...

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Summer SAVY, Session 5 Day 3, Engineering Design (Lewis) (1st-2nd)

Jul. 17, 2024—It was a fun day in Engineering Design! In literacy time, we read How Emily Saved the Bridge. In this historical story, Emily Warren Roebling faced many challenges when she was forced to be the lead engineer on the building of the Brooklyn Bridge when her father-in-law died and her husband became ill. She loved math...

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Summer SAVY, Session 5 Day 3, Engineering Design (Allison) (1st-2nd)

Jul. 17, 2024—Today’s read-aloud was The Girl Who Could Fix Anything by Mara Rockliff. This is the story of WWII engineer, Beatrice Shilling. As a girl, she demonstrates the characteristics of an engineer and works hard to become an engineer in a time when women weren’t welcome in the field. She went on to help Britain’s Royal...

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Summer SAVY, Session 5 Day 3, Earth Science Rocks! (1st-2nd)

Jul. 17, 2024—We started today with a review of the Rock Cycle and then identified four samples of Metamorphic rock. After closely observing the Gneiss, Slate, Marble, and Schist samples students then challenged themselves with trying to identify each rock without labels. We also tested our memory from yesterday’s observations of Igneous rocks (Granite, Obsidian, Basalt, and...

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Summer SAVY, Session 5 Day 2, The Power of Persuasion (7th-8th)

Jul. 16, 2024—Hello, all you persuasive people! Wow, wow, wow – we definitely have some innovative and savvy (pun intended) industry leaders within this class! Today, we learned about leveraging persuasive skills and tactics in selling, marketing, and advertising. Specifically, we focused on ways that we can pitch and advocate for ourselves from small things like convincing...

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Summer SAVY, Session 5 Day 2, Invasive Species (7th-8th)

Jul. 16, 2024—Dear family and future invasive species experts,     Another information-packed day! We first introduced ourselves to new classmates, increasing our networking skills with people of similar interests. Today we focused on honing our awareness of the nature of native, non-native, and invasive species, along with an introduction to different nutrient cycles.  We ventured out into...

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Summer SAVY, Session 5 Day 2, Exploring the Human Mind: Intro to Psychological Research (7th-8th)

Jul. 16, 2024—Dear Exploring the Human Mind parents,     Today, we began with some fun icebreakers outside to get the group warmed up. Then we jumped into learning more about how to design an experiment, including how to tell the difference between correlation and cause and effect, as well as between reliability and validity. Your students were...

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Summer SAVY, Session 5 Day 2, Wildlife Ecology (5th -6th)

Jul. 16, 2024—Day 2 of Wildlife Ecology started with a 4-corners getting-to-know-you activity.  We reviewed the classroom expectations and asked for someone to summarize what we learned yesterday.  To see if we remembered some of yesterday’s material, they took a “pop” quiz, just 5 questions multiple choice.  We then completed the reasoning wheel activity which led to...

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