Summer SAVY, Session 5 Day 5, Engineering Design (Allison) (1st-2nd)
Jul. 19, 2024—Our guest speaker, Craig, told us about his job as a mechanical engineer. He designs HVAC systems for new buildings. He works on a team with electrical engineers and architects to fit the ducts and HVAC system into the building design and connect it to the electrical wiring system. He told students about his training...
Summer SAVY, Session 5 Day 5, Earth Science Rocks (1st-2nd)
Jul. 19, 2024—It was a busy and exciting last day in the “Earth Science Rocks” class! We started with a review of our studies of minerals comparing the luster, hardness, streak, and cleavage of the minerals. The students were fascinated by the amount of sediment, or powder, that so easily rubbed off the talc (as it is...
Summer SAVY, Session 5 Day 4, The Power of Persuasion (7th-8th)
Jul. 18, 2024—Hello, all you persuasive people! Extra, extra! Read all about it! The Pied Piper, who is facing criminal charges for kidnapping and attempted murder, is suing the Hamlin town Mayor and Corporation for damages and breach of contract! Extra, extra, you heard it heard it here first! Trials are both set to start this afternoon! ...
Summer SAVY, Session 5 Day 4, Invasive Species (7th-8th)
Jul. 18, 2024—Dear parents and students, I challenged the students in multiple ways today and each time they rose to the occasion! Today’s topic was invasive species and climate change. Most students came in today with little to no knowledge about how climate change affects invasive species. To investigate the real-world research that has happened on the...
Summer SAVY, Session 5 Day 4, Exploring the Human Mind (7th-8th)
Jul. 18, 2024—Dear Exploring the Human Mind parents, Following the same structure we have been using so far, we began with some fun icebreakers to get the group warmed up. Then, we jumped into a discussion on human emotions—where do they come from? How do we experience them? How do we understand other peoples’ emotions? The...
Summer SAVY, Session 5 Day 4, Wildlife Ecology (5th-6th)
Jul. 18, 2024—I hope your child showed you the deer-repellent device that they made. Some reported that they tried it with their dog and noticed a response. However, one reported that their dog ate it. Yep, some dogs will eat just anything. Today we discussed repelling deer and what kind of data would be collected. Yesterday we...
Summer SAVY, Session 5 Day 4, Intro to Neurobiology (5th-6th)
Jul. 18, 2024—Dear SAVY families, Today we continued to learn about components of the fascinating human memory system. This time, we got into the long-term memory, and specifically, the unconscious (procedural) and conscious (declarative) memory. For the unconscious, we saw the three levels of the mind proposed by Sigmund Freud and shared our own understanding of what...
Summer SAVY, Session 5 Day 4, Transformations in Writing (3rd-4th)
Jul. 18, 2024—Today was amazing! They finally hit the day when they realized that they were the authors and controlled what they were writing! Yay!!!! We started the day by looking at examples from G of Margery, and how authors use descriptive words to really paint a picture. We explored the description of...
Summer SAVY, Session 5 Day 4, Programming and Robotics (3rd-4th)
Jul. 18, 2024—As a community, we discussed time management as not only a life skill but also a group skill. We talked about ways to break up big projects and why having clearly defined roles and tasks is important, making sure there are checkpoints along the way, and when to ask for help. We also explored how...
Summer SAVY, Session 5 Day 4, Chemical Spill (Pilote) (3rd-4th)
Jul. 18, 2024—Hello Savy Families, We are wrapping up our week tomorrow, and I cannot believe it! Our students have been working hard to create hypotheses, make observations, analyze data, and write conclusions during our experiments today. Students used pH strips to discover how acidic some common kitchen items are. This will allow students to design an...