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Spring Saturday SAVY, Week 3, Biomedical Engineering (1st-2nd)

Feb. 12, 2024—Dear Families,   We had a great last session in Biomedical Engineering!  As a culminating project, our young engineers were presented with the challenge of creating a knee brace that would stabilize a model of an injured knee. They went through the entire engineering design process.  We began the morning with Step 1: Ask. In this...

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Spring Saturday SAVY, Week 3, Animal Connections (1st-2nd)

Feb. 12, 2024—Greetings!  Saturday was such a dynamic day!  We started with animals and their adaptations, and I was amazed at how many great examples the students were able to brainstorm!  After a great discussion, we talked about invertebrates, and I loved hearing things like “I always wondered what that word meant!” and “How can things exist...

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Spring Saturday SAVY, Week 3, Beyond the Pyramids (K)

Feb. 12, 2024—The junior Egyptologists had a busy final day of research. First, we studied mythology. I read the students the story of Ra and showed them illustrations of some of the gods and goddesses. We did virtual tours of the tombs of King Tut, Ramses I, Ramses II, and Queen Meresankh III. Students looked for paintings...

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Spring Saturday SAVY, Week 2, Molecular Genetics (5th-6th)

Feb. 5, 2024—Day 2 in Molecular Genetics did not disappoint! The students were engaged and had a great discourse about the principles of DNA from last week’s lesson. They spent the morning learning about genes and where they are created and housed in the body. Students then applied this knowledge to learn and understand the probability of...

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Spring Saturday SAVY, Week 2, Harry Potter: The Science Behind the Magic (5th-6th)

Feb. 5, 2024—This week in wizarding school, our young wizards continued their learning journey in Potions Class. We compared medicines from the muggle world to potions in the wizarding world and discussed how modern medicine can often seem magical. In our Potions Lab, we made our own bubbling brews using our new knowledge of acid-base chemistry.  ...

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Spring Saturday SAVY, Week 2, Media Mania: How We are Impacted by What We Watch (5th-6th)

Feb. 5, 2024—Hello TV, Movie, Book, and Touch Screen Fans!  It was so nice to get right back into the world of media with our students and dive even deeper into how these resources are perceived and evaluated. We started the day with a review activity by playing Jeopardy to remind us of everything that we learned...

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Spring Saturday SAVY, Week 2, The Science of Senses (Whiting)(3rd-4th)

Feb. 5, 2024—On Saturday in Science of the Senses, we reviewed the journal prompt from last week and some highlights from Day 1.  Afterward, we learned about the physics of sound.  The students learned about the pinna and how it impacts the hearing of animals and humans. Then, we studied the physiology of optical illusions.  Students learned...

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Spring Saturday SAVY, Week 2, The Science of Senses (Dunlap) (3rd-4th)

Feb. 5, 2024—On Saturday in Science of the Senses, we reviewed last week’s journal prompt and some highlights from Day 1.  Afterward, we learned about the physics of sound.  The students learned about the pinna and how it impacts the hearing of animals and humans.  Then, we studied the physiology of optical illusions.  Students learned about the...

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Spring Saturday SAVY, Week 2, Secrets of the MoLi Stone (3rd-4th)

Feb. 5, 2024—During our second session, students embarked on a global journey, delving into the realm of numeration systems with a focus on the overarching concept of systems. Continuing our exploration of patterns, groupings, and symbols, we utilized the exploding dots machine to illustrate base two numbers, laying the groundwork for base three understanding. The revelation that...

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Spring Saturday SAVY, Week 2, Spatial Smarts: Diving into Dimensions (1st-2nd)

Feb. 5, 2024—Dear SAVY Families,  We had a very exciting second day of Spring SAVY 2024: Spatial Smarts. Your mathematicians continued to impress with their knowledge of math and dedication to their learning.   We started the day by reviewing concepts from week one, but we quickly dove into our new concepts for the week. First, we introduced...

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