Summer SAVY, Session 4 Day 2, Greek Mythology (Young) (5th – 6th)
Jul. 9, 2024—Today was an exciting day in class! We started with Connections from the New York Times. It was quite a challenging one today! We then immersed ourselves in gods and goddesses! Students created a family tree of the gods and goddesses and added it to our classroom wall. Then, we headed outside, and they chose...
Summer SAVY, Session 4 Day 2, Coding and Robotics (5th – 6th)
Jul. 9, 2024—Unleashing Coding and Creativity: Day TWO at SAVY-Coding and Robotics Welcome back to our exciting journey through the world of robotics! We hope your students had a fantastic first day in our Coding and Robotics course, where they were introduced to the wonders of Robotic Engineering and the incredible LEGO Spike Prime Robotics kit. Today,...
Summer SAVY, Session 4 Day 2, Space Academy (Whiting) (3rd – 4th)
Jul. 9, 2024—Welcome back, astronauts! Again, we began our day with a thrilling message from NASA. Students have been accepted as Cosmic Cadets and are preparing for their launch into space. Much learning and many challenges are ahead, including preparation for a presentation at the end of our course in the Space Exposition! Our key learning today...
Summer SAVY, Session 4 Day 2, Space Academy (Jahn) (3rd – 4th)
Jul. 9, 2024—Welcome back, astronauts! Students have been accepted as Cosmic Cadets and are preparing to launch into space. Much learning and many challenges are ahead, including preparation for a presentation at the end of our course in the Space Exposition! Our key learning today includes diving deeper into the Scientific Method and the concept of gravity....
Summer SAVY, Session 4 Day 2, Mathematicians in History (3rd – 4th)
Jul. 9, 2024—Dear SAVY Families, We had another exciting, engaging, and challenging day of SAVY Summer 2024 Session 4: Mathematicians in History. Today, our focus was on the mathematicians, John Napier and Galileo Galilei, well-known for their part in Europe’s Renaissance. We started the day by reminding ourselves that this math at SAVY is very different from...
Summer SAVY, Session 4 Day 2, Water and Weather (1st – 2nd)
Jul. 9, 2024—Greetings! What a fabulous, hands-on learning experience today was! We measured to see how much water had evaporated from their water cups since yesterday, and we redid our filter experiments breaking down each part and testing it to see what worked and what didn’t work to filter the water. Ask them about their results! We...
Summer SAVY, Session 4 Day 2, Beyond the Pyramids (1st – 2nd)
Jul. 9, 2024—Today was another great day in Beyond the Pyramids! Read Aloud: Today I read From Here to There by Margery Cuyler and illustrated by Yu Cha Pak. Maria, the character in the book, explains her location starting with her house and ending with the universe. The book helps students understand the concept of place as it increases...
Summer SAVY, Session 4 Day 1, Neurobiology of Learning (7th – 8th)
Jul. 7, 2024—Hello SAVY Families! I am writing to you from the conclusion of our first day of The Neurobiology of Learning. Today was a fun-filled day of getting to know each other, catching up on background material, and diving into the fascinating world of neuroscience! We started out by playing my favorite icebreaker game, the snowball...
Summer SAVY, Session 4 Day 1, From the Page to the Stage (7th – 8th)
Jul. 7, 2024—Students of From the Page to the Stage, thank you for our first – and fabulous – day! I so enjoyed meeting you and getting to know you as young, thoughtful artists and creatives. You’ve left me eager for the week ahead. Our morning began with a handful of exercises and games, informed by the...
Summer SAVY, Session 4 Day 1, Engineering 101 (7th – 8th)
Jul. 7, 2024—Today was a great first day in Engineering 101! We have begun to journey through what it takes to be and think like an engineer. We also explored the four major types of engineering that we will dive into later this week. Today, we learned the engineering design process through building paper airplanes and a...