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Summer SAVY, Session 4 Day 2, Coding and Robotics (5th – 6th)

Posted by on Tuesday, July 9, 2024 in blog, SAVY.

Unleashing Coding and Creativity: Day TWO at SAVY-Coding and Robotics

Welcome back to our exciting journey through the world of robotics! We hope your students had a fantastic first day in our Coding and Robotics course, where they were introduced to the wonders of Robotic Engineering and the incredible LEGO Spike Prime Robotics kit. Today, students experienced a deeper understanding of the possibilities of coding, innovation, and critical thinking with Spike Prime Robotics.

The day began with a quick recap of yesterday’s session regarding, “what is a robot”. Then, students practiced teamwork, communication, and collaboration in the “Pass the Brick” Challenges.  Afterward, we reflected on what worked and how designs could be improved to better complete the challenges.  Also, students discussed the characteristics of effective communication and positive teamwork.

Next, we explored the Engineering Design Process.  This ignited discourse on how failure is not bad and can ultimately lead to greater success, especially in the field of coding and robotic engineering. To demonstrate an understanding of the design process, students worked in teams to create infographics on this topic.  Students displayed their Engineering Design Posters in the form of an art gallery.  As students observed each other’s creations, they voted on the best visual representation of all steps of the engineering design process.  The results of the winning team were announced at the end of the day.  A great dinner discussion for your young learner is to explore how the engineering design process can be applied in our daily lives.

To phase into the next part of our day, we refreshed our knowledge of the Spike Prime kit, its components, and the coding interface provided by Lego Education software.  Our engineers designed different inventions where they applied basic programming knowledge with motors and sensors.  During this process, students were quick to realize that Spike Prime is not just about assembling pre-designed models but also about customizing and personalizing their creations. They discovered the beauty of combining LEGO building blocks, motors, sensors, and the coding capabilities of Spike Prime to bring their unique ideas to life. With each challenge, their confidence and problem-solving skills grew.

Day two of our class with LEGO Spike Prime was an absolute blast! The students took more steps towards becoming true roboticists, embracing challenges, collaborating with peers, thinking critically, and problem-solving.  I look forward to tomorrow’s lessons where we will look closer into understanding how to program different movement conditions with the Lego Spike Prime robots and more competitive challenges!

-Ms. Young