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Summer SAVY 2018: Session 6, Day 5 – Programming and Robotics (Rising 3rd/4th)

Posted by on Friday, July 27, 2018 in Grade 3, Grade 4, SAVY.

Dear Parents,

We have had a wonderful week with your children! The students have worked hard in learning our coding vocabulary and applying it to their programs and in programming the Sphero robots. They worked well with each other in pair programming and problem-solving their programs. It has been a pleasure working with a group of such curious and kind students. We hope that they continue their coding pursuits at home and at school (we have provided them with the login information at so they can continue lessons and creating projects).

We spent the majority of the day working on our final projects. The students first went to the computer lab and all finished their various projects in the Art Lab, Sprite Lab, Game Lab, etc. They did a great job creating entertaining projects as well as projects that used coding blocks that we discussed in class. They used their time productively and if they had a partner they worked well together.

After the student’s last lunch together, we stayed in the classroom so they could work on their Sphero programs. Students created a variety of final projects using their Spheros including completing the maze, relay games, and dance parties.

We hope that you saw all of your children’s hard work and dedication during Open House. Every student created a final project that they were passionate about and that they were proud of. Now they have new tools that they can utilize as wherever they need to solve a problem. We look forward to see you in another programming course at SAVY.

Happy Summer!

Mr. Hamid and Miss Ashanti


Learning Different Programming Techniques


Practicing Our Maze Work For Open House