Summer SAVY 2018: Session 3, Day 1 – Digital Storytelling (Rising 5th/6th)
Hi SAVY Parents!
Today, the students spent their morning discovering the origin and uses of storytelling for themselves. In groups, I gave them prompting questions such as what is the oldest form of storytelling or why is it important to tell stories or create art? The students explored the Internet to find their answers. They also did some research of digital stories, how they are made and what they are used for. Using their research, the students created a poster of what they thought were the most important ideas and represented their ideas for this class. They shared with their peers and we came together as a team to discover what we collectively found digital storytelling to be. Ask your student what they discovered!
We were able to look at an example of how digital storytelling impacts a message and how we perceive a story. We watched an excerpt of Brené Brown giving her speech, “The Power of Vulnerability,” to an audience. We then watched a version that was an animation between a bear and a fox with Brené Brown’s speech as the narration. The students examined how they felt differently about the animated version, which was more of a story with an image, versus just listening to her give the message. Through this, students began to explore the difference in storytelling and digital storytelling.
In the afternoon, we moved learned about three act story structure. We compared story structure to building a house. Every house needs a foundation, walls and a roof, but the interior and exterior design can look different house to house. Story structure gives us the foundation, walls and the roof, but how the students make the story work within those guidelines provides them with infinite possibilities.
After their ORA, the students spent time brainstorming for their final project. Each student will make a video that tells a story in either a video or photo essay form. I’ve encouraged all the students to take on the challenge of making a video story. Ask your students about their plan.
I’ll be looking forward to tomorrow as we will explore visual literacy in storytelling!
– Ms. Chappell
Learning about the Art of Storytelling Throughout History (Click on the Photos to Enlarge)