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Spring SAVY 2018, Day 4- What’s the Matter (Kindergarten)

Posted by on Monday, February 19, 2018 in Grade K, SAVY.

During our fourth week of SAVY, we explored more fully one of the chemical properties of matter: acidity and basicity. We learned how scientists use the pH scale to describe how acidic or basic a substance is. We learned about household items that are acids (lemons, limes, vinegar) and bases (soap, most cleaners, bleach, eggs). We talked about how acids are usually sour and bases are bitter and discovered that we could easily remember that because base and bitter both start with a b! We also learned that water is considered neutral because it is neither acidic nor basic. When an acid and a base react we form water. Sometimes acids and bases react to form water and another substance such as a gas. We did an experiment to trap the gas created from the reaction of vinegar and baking soda to blow up a balloon. This might be something fun to try at home. Here is a video that can guide you.

We then learned about how scientists tell whether something is an acid or a base. Scientists use an indicator that typically changes color when it comes in contact with an acid or a base. One common indicator is litmus paper that turns red when with acids and blue with bases. However, indicators don’t have to be fancy science equipment. Radishes can also be used at an indicator for acids! We rubbed radishes on our papers and then gently rubbed a solution of vinegar over the red radish marks. We saw the radish marks turn darker red! But when we rubbed water on them, nothing happened.

We also used pH test strips to test other household items for their acidity and basicity. We examined soap, vinegar, and ammonia and compared how the different substances had different effects on the pH test strips.

Looking forward to next week where we will learn more about the properties of matter!
