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Summer SAVY 2016 (Session 3, Day 1) – Brain Blast

Posted by on Monday, June 27, 2016 in Grade 1, Grade 2, SAVY.

Welcome to the first day of brain blast!  We met our new neuroscientists and introduced them to the lab. After getting to know each other a little better and establishing our lab guidelines with students help, we started asking questions about the brain. This led us to realize we needed to do some research to understand the brain better.

We began to learn about the different parts of the nervous system along with specific parts of the brain including the cortex, cerebellum, brainstem, and limbic system.  Students began to create their brain models they will be using these next few days to remind themselves of all the brain regions.  See you tomorrow when students will design protective gear to save those important brain cells and get to explore a real brain!

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