Grade 5 Category
Summer SAVY 2019: Session 2, Day 5 – Stories and the Structure of the Universe (Rising 5th/6th)
Jun. 21, 2019—It was bittersweet to see this week end, as we’ve had such a great time learning together! We started the day with A Wrinkle In Time and a discussion of how we see structure influencing setting and plot. Our protagonist and her companions are exploring the planet Camazotz, in which something is decidedly “off.” The...
Summer SAVY 2019: Session 2, Day 5 – Psychology in Action (Rising 5th/6th)
Jun. 21, 2019—Dear parents, We were sad that today was our last day, but we were very proud to see our researchers present their work during the poster session! As you already know, our researchers created and presented individual posters during our open-house poster session. What you may not know is that our students spent hours working...
Summer SAVY 2019: Session 2, Day 4 – Stories and the Structure of the Universe (Rising 5th/6th)
Jun. 20, 2019—First thing this morning, we returned to Ray Bradbury’s suspenseful science fiction story “A Sound of Thunder,” to quickly recap the most important events in the story and consider the concepts Bradbury was engaging. Students were particularly fascinated by the idea of a chain reaction or “butterfly effect” that Bradbury incorporated. We discussed the ways...
Summer SAVY 2019: Session 2, Day 4 – Psychology in Action (Rising 5th/6th)
Jun. 20, 2019—Hello parents, Today was one of our favorites! Our researchers were on the move with hardly any time to breathe, but it was full of excitement and anticipation. We hit the ground running and began practicing our data collection procedures for our classexperiments;both of which were based off of actual studies being conducted by Ms....
Summer SAVY 2019: Session 2, Day 3 – Stories and the Structure of the Universe (Rising 5th/6th)
Jun. 19, 2019—What an exciting day we’ve had! We started the day with a quick recap of Newton’s laws and then turned our attention to Albert Einstein, who build on Isaac Newton’s ideas and even changed them. Our comparison raised the question of whether Newton was wrong in his ideas. We reached a consensus that Newton was...
Summer SAVY 2019: Session 2, Day 3 – Psychology in Action (Rising 5th/6th)
Jun. 19, 2019—Dear parents, Day three was full of challenging content and insightful discoveries! Our theme for the day was psychological measurement and experimental design. We started the day reviewing yesterday’s lessons by attempting to interpret symbols created by our own researchers (aka their take home assignment from day 1). By varying the number of words in...
Summer SAVY 2019: Session 2, Day 2 – Stories and the Structure of the Universe (Rising 5th/6th)
Jun. 18, 2019—We started off this rainy day by getting cozy and comfortable to read another chapter of A Wrinkle In Time. We had a fascinating conversation about the role of structure both within the story–within the lives of the characters, in particular–and in stories more broadly speaking. Students’ insights included: – A person’s personality can structure...
Summer SAVY 2019: Session 2, Day 2 – Psychology in Action (Rising 5th/6th)
Jun. 18, 2019—Dear Media Mania parents, Day two showcased some great ideas! Our day was full of insightful and intriguing questions that really pushed the students, Ms. Emily and Mr. Israel to think hard about symbols. We riled up our researchers this morning with a spirited debate about what qualifies as a symbol. We split up into...
Summer SAVY 2019: Session 2, Day 1 – Stories and the Structure of the Universe (Rising 5th/6th)
Jun. 17, 2019—What a great first day! Because of the unique structure of this course, we spent some time today exploring and organizing what we know about the idea of structure and about outer space. Students were excited to share their knowledge with each other! We were able to briefly discuss competing theories about the origin of...
Summer SAVY 2019: Session 2, Day 1 – Psychology in Action (Rising 5th/6th)
Jun. 17, 2019—Dear parents, We had a wonderful first day exploring symbols as a class; Ms. Emily and Mr. Israel were very excited to have the opportunity to work with a new generation of researchers! It is clear that each member of our new research team is coming in with a lot of experience and great ideas...