Summer SAVY 2022/Session 1 – Matter Mysteries for Rising 1st/2nd Grade
Coming Soon!
Saturday SAVY, Week 2, Coding and Robotics (5th-6th)
Nov. 4, 2024—Unleashing Creativity and Innovation: Session Two SAVY-Robotics and Coding Welcome back to our exciting journey through the world of robotics! During Session 2, students experienced a deeper understanding of the possibilities of innovation and critical thinking with coding and Lego Spike Prime Robotics. The day began with reintroductions and students sharing their interests and...
Saturday SAVY, Week 2, Harry Potter and Psychology (5th-6th)
Nov. 4, 2024—Welcome back to the world of Wizards and Psychology! I was so happy to see everyone enthusiastically ready to get back into learning about the ways we can connect the study of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors to one of our favorite book/movie series! To begin the class, we played all the students’ favorite game: Jeopardy....
Saturday SAVY, Week 2, Secrets of the MoLi Stone (3rd-4th)
Nov. 4, 2024—Hello SAVY Families, We had another great day of Fall SAVY 2024: Secrets of the MoliStone. I was once again impressed by the SAVY Mathematician’s hard work and commitment to developing their knowledge of mathematics. We started the day by reviewing our knowledge from last week including the generalizations of systems, place value, and the...
Saturday SAVY, Week 2, Industrial Engineering (3rd-4th)
Nov. 4, 2024—Day 2 of Industrial Engineering was full of inquisitive minds wanting to explore more about simple machines and the Engineering Design Process. We started our day with a brief brain stimulator then jumped right into a recap of last week’s story about visiting a factory. Students recalled that many simple machines could be found in...
Saturday SAVY, Week 2, Creative Contraptions (1st-2nd)
Nov. 4, 2024—Today in Creative Contraptions, our first and second graders had an exciting and productive day! We began by getting reacquainted with one another and reviewing the concept of systems. Students recalled how each system generalization can be compared to a car. This helped set the stage for our exploration of simple machines. We brainstormed what...
Saturday SAVY, Week 2, Plants and Pollen (1st-2nd)
Nov. 4, 2024—We learned a lot about pollinators today. After learning about the anatomy of bees, the students observed dead bees with magnifying glasses and identified each part of the bee discussed earlier. Students then drew and labeled the life cycles of bees. We also identified the metamorphosis of butterflies and ladybugs. We had a demonstration by...
Career Connections at SAVY, Day 1, Evidence on Trial (7th-8th)
Oct. 28, 2024—Hello, Persuasive Thinkers! Have you ever wondered what makes someone persuasive? In our first class, we delved into the basics of persuasive rhetoric and key argumentation strategies. I was impressed by the students’ prior knowledge and debate experiences; many were already familiar with the terms logos, pathos, and ethos. Building on this foundation, we used...
Career Connections at SAVY, Day 1, Engineering the Human Body (7th-8th)
Oct. 28, 2024—🎉 Session 1 Recap of Engineering the Human Body: Exploring the Roots of Health and Disease 🎉 Hello to our awesome student families! Today, kicked off our Engineering the Human Body program, and wow—your young scientists dove right in! Here’s a fun look at what they learned, explored, and created today! 🧠 Morning Adventures in Physiology! We began with the...
Saturday SAVY, Day 1, Coding and Robotics (5th-6th)
Oct. 28, 2024—The Exciting Adventures of Our Future Robotics Engineers: Day One at Fall SAVY-Coding and Robotics The first Saturday of class was nothing short of extraordinary. With anticipation and curiosity in the air, our budding engineers embarked on a thrilling adventure that would unleash their creativity, problem-solving skills, and passion for technology. Let’s dive into the...
Saturday SAVY, Day 1, Harry Potter and Psychology (5th-6th)
Oct. 28, 2024—Hello wizards! I was thrilled to begin the magical journey of learning about how the Harry Potter series interacts with the ways we think about psychology. To start the day, we took some time to go over class expectations and objectives. Then, we dove into getting to know each other by sorting everyone into...
Saturday SAVY, Day 1, Secrets of the MoLi Stone (3rd-4th)
Oct. 28, 2024—Hello SAVY Families, Day one of Fall SAVY 2024 was full of creativity, curiosity, and the development of mathematical skills. I was so impressed by the SAVY mathematician’s dedication and hard work today, and I am honored to get to tell you about it. To start our morning, we got to know one another using...
Saturday SAVY, Day 1, Industrial Engineering (3rd-4th)
Oct. 28, 2024—Meeting our 3rd/4th grade SAVY students for our Industrial Engineering class was such a pleasure. Our Making Friends with Math icebreaker gave me a chance to get to know them better, as we spend the next couple of Saturdays together. Our first conversation of the day showed that many students thought of technology as only...
Saturday SAVY, Day 1, Creative Contraptions (1st-2nd)
Oct. 28, 2024—Hello parents and families! We had such a wonderful first day of learning and growing together in Creative Contraptions. Thank you for sharing your eager inventors with us! Today, we embarked on an exciting journey into the world of systems and inventions. Here’s a glimpse of what we explored: Understanding Systems with a Car Example ...
Saturday SAVY, Day 1, Plants and Pollen (1st-2nd)
Oct. 28, 2024—We had a wonderful first day with all our Agricultural Engineers. We started our morning meeting by introducing ourselves, and we got to know each other through an interesting fact everyone shared about themselves. We then ascertained norms for our time together, and students worked in teams to produce posters to remind us to Be...
Summer SAVY, Session 6 Day 5, Individuality vs Conformity (5th-6th)
Jul. 26, 2024—Hello and, sadly, goodbye SAVY families! The last day is always a bittersweet time for me. On the one hand, our wonderful individuals in this course have (hopefully) grown and learned new and exciting things. On the other hand, I will have to say goodbye and wait to see them next year. True to...