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COVID-19 Resources for Parents

We view our mission at PTY as supporting students and families in developing their talents. We recognize that many families are figuring out how to help their young students operate in an online learning environment.

In an effort to connect you with resources during this time, we would like to share that the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) has created a website for families and educators that includes parent tip sheets regarding how to talk to your child about COVID-19, teaching in an online learning setting, and links to student activities and virtual learning options. In addition, PTY has taken modified select lessons from our field-tested and published curriculum for your use at home.

Parent-Led Student Lessons Designed by PTY

PTY curriculum engages students in thinking like an expert. To this end we have created specific frameworks and models that have been vetted by content experts and field tested in schools with diverse groups of gifted and high achieving students. Our frameworks encourage students to examine relationships among different variables in order to make meaning. In collaboration with Prufrock Press, we are sharing select models and lessons that have been re-designed with parents in mind so that you so that you can continue to support your child’s learning during this time of social distancing.

Elementary Literature Lesson: The Great Kapok Tree

This lesson encourages students to analyze The Great Kapok Tree by Lynn Cherry and provides discussion questions and extensions for further reading and learning about rainforests and deforestation.

Elementary Science Lesson: Ecology Simulation

This lesson introduces students to food webs and food chains and provides a guided simulation to help students analyze relationships among different consumers and producers and their interactions with each other in the environment.

Middle Literature Lesson: I like to see it lap the Miles 

This lesson guides students through the analysis of the poem, I like to see it lap the Miles by Emily Dickinson and provides discussion questions and extensions for further reading and the exploration of the impact of technology on our lives.

Intermediate & Early Middle School Science Lesson: Astronomy Simulation 

This lesson introduces the concepts of gravity, force, motion, and orbit and helps students analyze relationships among these concepts through a guided simulation.

General Guide to Asking Complex Literary Analysis Questions

This lesson is designed as a generic questioning model and guide for using the literary analysis wheel (see the Elementary or Middle School literature lesson handout) to help students and parents ask more complex questions and examine relationships among various literary elements, regardless of the fictional story selected.