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Summer SAVY 2018: Session 5, Day 5 – Character Creations (Rising 2nd)

Posted by on Friday, July 20, 2018 in Grade 2, SAVY.

Dear Parents,

Happy Friday! We have had an amazing week with your children, creating and writing and storytelling. They have been rockstars and great teammates. We hope that you were able to see all of the student’s hard work during Open House. They created life-sized puppets and then wrote several chapters of a story for each of our characters. The students collaborated with their peers in order to make these chapters and create a cohesive book. The students even performed an improv puppet show for the parents that showed how quick they are on their feet and how dedicated they are to their characters! We hope that you were able to see your children’s enthusiasm for their work. We are so proud of how they have grown and expanded their creative minds this week.

After Open House, we watched some videos showcasing different puppets, including the puppets from Fraggle Rock and Japanese puppeteers. We talked about different sizes of puppets and how one or several people can give them mobility. We had discussion about how we can translate this into our smaller puppets that we made. For the remainder of the class, the students created their own smaller puppets to take home. They combined elements of design, mobility, and character background that we discussed all week. The students made use of the resources available to them and gave each other ideas too.

I am so proud of how well these students worked with each other and let their creativity guide them. It can be hard to think outside of the box sometimes, but each student did so to create unique puppets. They incorporated the elements of a story that we learned into their own stories and I am confident that they will remember them as they continue to write stories at home. Parents, please encourage your children to keep writing about characters they have made up! Adding illustrations can elevate their work as well. It has been a pleasure working with your children and we will miss them!

Thank you!

Mrs. Kraft and Miss Ashanti


Photos With Our New Friends