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SAVY 2019: Session 6, Day 1 – Artistic Programming (Rising 3rd/4th)

Posted by on Monday, July 22, 2019 in Grade 3, Grade 4, SAVY.

We had a great day at Artistic Programming! We began the day by getting to know our community of learners and setting expectations for the week. During our pre-test, many students said they had never coded before. We learned that coding is a way to speak to a computer to make it do what you want. Soon after being introduced to NetLogo, the coding language we’ll use this week, every student was able to make an agent move towards a goal. We also practiced programming an agent to draw shapes using our knowledge of angles.

This afternoon students chose an organism that will serve as the subject of their final project and researched how that organism behaves in its natural habitat. Tomorrow we’ll learn how to code our agents’ to move like our chosen organisms. If your student would like to continue practicing at home you can download NetLogo on your computer from Additional resources are available at appreciate everyone’s hard work today and we’re looking forward to another great day tomorrow!

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