Summer SAVY, Session 2 Day 1, Biology of the Body (5th – 6th)
Posted by delislss on Monday, June 17, 2024 in blog, SAVY.
Hi Parents!
Today our brilliant biologists began the day by completing a biology/life science bingo game to get to know our friends! After our fun bingo game, we investigated the levels of organization of the human body. Ask them to show you the hand motions to remember each level! The biologists had such a wonderful time practicing the order of each level and reviewing their new hand motions with new friends!
The levels of organization of the human body led to a discussion about their curiosity about the human body. They each wrote two specific questions about the human body, and we posted them on a large poster on our classroom wall. We were able to see a common theme of the different questions that will drive our classroom instruction!
After lunch, we took a classroom field trip outside to observe, investigate, and record any system we noticed. The students then came back in and created a poster that compared and contrasted systems of the human body. They were AMAZING! Each group presented their posters, hung them on our walls, and completed a gallery walk!
WOW! We are off to a fabulous start!! I am excited about tomorrow!
Shelley Jenkins